good overflow?


well heres my ?
im starting my 55g (1st tank)
im almost done the stand. painted the back of the tank
now i need to start planning for the other stuff.
i will be starting a diary once the stand is done
well heres my ?
whats a good overflow
ive seen cpr and eshopps and pro clear.
i was thinking about gettin the eshopps pf1000
kinda overkill, but why not
i was going to get it from foster and smith
how are they???
cpr's need like another air pump
and i figured the less complicated the better(for me)
but what do you guys think
for the money that is
looking to spend less then 75
thanks in advance


Active Member
I think that overflow is overkill for a 55g IMO. I agree with the CPR thing, extra pump seems silly to me. Keep looking around and you can find a better deal. Technically although you didn't list a site you did mention a competitor of SWF so if I were you I'd go back and edit that out of there.


I have the cpr that is rated 1500gals.per hour. I have had it for about 8mo. I have not had any problems with it so far.It is also been pretty quiet.


im allowed to say ***** sooo whatever
would it hurt my system though if i got one with 900gph
im going to have it splitting in two
probably about 75% to the skimmer and 25% to the refuge
and then im going to get a mag 12
what you guys think of that idea?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sciknen
im allowed to say ***** sooo whateva

Just because you can doesn't mean that you should. It is out of respect for the people that work for that allow you to use these boards to get free help with all of your questions. I would also suggest you edit that out, as it is a competitor to the company that is running these boards for you. Also, another suggestion, I would use proper grammar (and English) when you are asking for help because it would make it much more easy to follow when we are trying to answer questions for you.
On to your questions:
You should have about 10x flow rate going through your refugium, so whatever that equates to, percentage wise, is what I would go with. The rest should go to the sump/skimmer.
I think a Mag12 is ok as long as you split the line up somewhere so that you can have the flow coming in from multiple angles. You could go with a single return but I just think it would be better to have more than one area of return to cut down on dead spots.


no one is forcing u to read my posts bud so if you dont like the way i type dont read it
thanks tho


Originally Posted by Thunder7
I have the cpr that is rated 1500gals.per hour. I have had it for about 8mo. I have not had any problems with it so far.It is also been pretty quiet.
what size tank do you have it on?