Good, Quiet submersible pump, 1000 gph


New Member
There are so many on the market, I'd just like to get some opinions. I have an external pump right now and its way to noisy.


Active Member
What external pump are your using currently??? There are trade off's to submersible pumps.....You must realize your going to see and increase in your water temp as well....Why not try insulating the inside of your stand to cut down on the noise??? Is your pump sitting directly on the bottom of the stand as well?? If so you might try putting a dampening pad underneath it....


New Member
It is a dolphin 2100, way to much pump for my needs. Is the increase in water temp really going to be material? If I run a mag 5 and then a pump rated for 700 gph? Yes I have a vibration pad.


Active Member
I ran a mag 9.5 externaly for a year and it never made a sound. Now I run 2 submerged and are still quite.


Active Member
Can't really say what temp increase you might get, but if you do some searches on this site and others you will see and read about people noticing an increase in tank temps.....This is due to the pump using the water to cool itself so the heat is transferred right to your tank.