good salt mix


how many cups :confused: of salt do you people use per gallon when mixing your water???? i have had my tank up for quite a while and at $1.00 a gallon at the LFS i think its about time i start mixing my own. (time to stop being lay-z) i know how to mix and how long to wait from looking around but how much salt per gallon????


Active Member
Cups of salt per gallon would not have a good salanity level IMO. You should go buy a refractometer, or if you don't have the money, you can buy a hydrometer.
You should wait 24 hours+ after mixing the salt into the water before use.
Also, at the LFS they use reverse osmosis (RO) water when they make the salt water. Using tap water and salt to make your own water isn't the same. RO units can cost $100+.


Ya purchase a refractometer and just check it after mixing say 1 cup per gallon. Alot of people say wait 24 hrs but I have only had to do that once. I mix my water with my arm while the tub water is also mixing the salt in a 5 gallon bucket.. I usually let it sit for like 5-10 minutes then I add to the tank. AS LONG AS THE WATER IS SOME WHAT CLEAR tho. But every body is differnt there is not SET WAY to do things. But I would say start out with a cup for ever gallon and go from there and use your refractometer that will help ya too.


The salt mixes tell you how much to add - Instant Ocean is a half cup of salt per gallon of water. After it's mixed, you measure and adjust.



Originally posted by wwfstyle
I usually let it sit for like 5-10 minutes then I add to the tank. AS LONG AS THE WATER IS SOME WHAT CLEAR tho.

I suppose nothing has really gone wrong for you doing this as you mentioned it, but I have read that one of the reasons for letting it sit (usually with a power head in the tub as well as a heater) for 24+hrs. is that the water also needs to be oxygenated (as salt water holds less oxygen then fresh). The water would be very oxygen poor otherwise and could cause some problems when added into the tank.


Active Member
The cheapo heater that came with the setup I am starting with has already been replaced. It's been delegated to water-change bucket heater duty! What's a decent powerhead for the job? I'd be doing 3-5 gallons at a time on my 29 gallon tank.



Originally posted by wax32
What's a decent powerhead for the job? I'd be doing 3-5 gallons at a time on my 29 gallon tank.

For the water change tub/bucket? I would think anyone that keeps the water mixing would be nice. I keep mine at the bottom pushing the water up to the top with enough force to make a slight rise at the surface.


I'm with WWFstyle. I wait about 10-12 hours before putting it in the tank. I usually mix it up in the morning and go to work. When I get home I check it and put it in the tank. Instant Ocean's bag states that it can be put directly in the tank after mixing.


New Member
I highly recommend Oceanic Natural Sea Salt, it's just as cheap as Instant Ocean...It has a higher level of calcium and all other trace elements that are needed for any reef or fish tank. The best thing about the salt is that the technology they use allows the salt to crystallize in smaller crystals, so then it is able to dissolve quicker and easier. Most of the time mine dissolves before it hits the bottom of the container I'm making the salt in! Hope this helps.


cool, ill buy a bag of that then. but it will just be for just in case. i will stay with my catalina :confused: water from the LFS.