Good Sandsifters?


I need some suggestions on good sandsifting critters that are reef safe and will get along with my other fish which are:
1 Green Clown Goby
1 Green Mandarin Draggonette
1 PJ Cardinal
1 Longfin Fairy Wrasse
2 Ocellaris Clowns
Thank you


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Jas1
I need some suggestions on good sandsifting critters that are reef safe and will get along with my other fish which are:
1 Green Clown Goby
1 Green Mandarin Draggonette
1 PJ Cardinal
1 Longfin Fairy Wrasse
2 Ocellaris Clowns
Thank you

The dragonette is a problem. Any sand sifter goby will eat the food the mandarin needs and they will fight for territory. A cucumber, sand sifting sea star will shift the sand but not sift it, so they don't do a very good job, same with any snails.


Active Member
A sand sifting cucumber, IMO, is a very nice addition depending on substrate (not good for more coarse types). A sand sifting star is not so good, for a similar reason a goby is not...they are eating a lot of the good creatures in the sand bed. Several types of snails, such as nassarius or conchs are good.
The basic question, though, is are you trying to resolve some sort of issue? If this is the case, then a fish is very unlikely to resolve it. While inverts are pretty much a good part of the clean up crew at any time, it is important to understand the limitations. So are you just augmenting, or are you trying to solve something?


I say get a small diamond goby. Mines does great with a YWG and a wheeler watchman. I dont think they would fight for space, the diamond is always too busy sucking up sand. Just make sure it is small small small!


Thanks for all the suggestions. I appreciate it!!!

Susan, no I'm not needing to fix a problem. Just want to have some critters in there to keep the sand bed clean.


what are the sand sifting crabs on SWF's value menu??? could that be an option?
about once a week i have to stir my sand bed during my weekly water change because there is a huge build up of brown/reddish gunk. should i get a sand sifter or is there something wrong with my tank?? is there a common casue of that makes the sand bed gunk up?


Active Member
The brown algae is often a nutrient issue - I would suggest you start a thread and in that post your tank parameters, age, etc. The types of sand sifters added may or may not help with that, and not all are suitable in all tanks.
Jas1 - depending on the size of your substrate, there are several good one's. Certain species of brittlestars are nice additions. I do like my cucumber but it is not for everyone. Most people would go with some varieties of snails as mentioned above. I discourage keeping a sand sifter star at any cost. I am not a particular fan of sand sifting fish as they reduce biodiversity of a sand bed (by eating it!).

shrimpy brains

These guys are'nt sifters, but they do burrow. IME, they are very docile, and I think only get 2 inches. They are called Hi-fin, Black hi-fin or babershop gobies. Another plus is, they will share their burrow with pistol shrimp. Just a thought!!
