Good Starter Corals For Nano?


what are some good starter corals for a nano cub dlx 12 gal? In mine i only have
1. Polyps
2. Electric green harry mushroom
I was also thinking about adding a candy cane coral...any suggestions?


Active Member
Candy cane or trumpet would be nice.Also zoanthids,ricordia,blastomussa,any shroom except elephant ear.Clove or wood polyps are also nice additions.
Here's a couple pics of my 12 Dx to give you some ideas.
I also have a small piece of frogspawn in mine. The torch was put into one of my other tanks,as it quicly outgrew the nano.



before this thread gets completely off my question(lol), what is the coral in the top right corner in the first picture(w/ the long arms)??? your set up looks AMAZING by the way, how do u get such premium corals?


Active Member
Hi Pete...the green coral w/ pinkish tips right? That is a torch coral. Usually they are a brown color w/ cream colored tips...finding green ones is a little more difficult.
I had to move it from the nano to one of my larger tanks though...the froggy is still there,but the torch was reaching too close for comfort.Euphyllias have sweeper tentacles and I feed my corals so they grow pretty quick.
I work at an LFS.
Tank was transferred from a 3 gal eclipse that was modified~set up was March 05..transferred in Aug 05,and some items added .Thanks for the can do this too,just take your time choosing pieces,be selective,research first,and learn patience.


take a look at the 2nd pic, on the left, doesnt that look like a face of some kind of mouse or mammal of some sorts..i thought you had corals growing off of a statue at first haha the pink zoos look like the eye balls and an open mouth


Active Member
bigpete- I have read to avoid flowerpot, frogspawn and galaxia corals in nanos either for their difficulty or long sweeper tenticles. Then again promise has a nice little frogspawn in his but probably has somewhere to move it if it starts stinging/gets too large. I have some leathers in my 16 gallon but they are quickly taking over the tank.