Good Starter Corals


New Member
I have heard that zooanthids and Ricordea Mushroom corals are great starter corals, however I was wondering if they are fish-safe? I have seen pictures of these corals killing each other and fish, and I would not want this to happen. any info will help...


New Member
zoos and rics are very peacful coral. i have both in my 24 aquapod and never bother my fish. hope this was helpful.


Active Member
actually it depends on which fish. some fish will nip at the coral thus leading to the coral trying to defend itself..


Active Member
Zoas don't eat fish. Mushrooms don't either, the exception would be the hairy mushroom. They have been known, occasionally, to eat a small fish.


New Member
thank you everyone! I actually also have a 24g aquapod and i was seeing if i could get the corals. Thanks again.