Good Sump Design???


this is posted in my "plumbing idiot" thread...sorry for duplicate, but thought I could reach the masses with this new thread...
My 3/4" return can handle 500 gph, so I figure the T's and the length of the piping will cut down on the Mag 9 (950gph) to about that....
Please comment...


Active Member
Looks good to me, I like my pumps in the sump though(noise reasons). Good looking out for the future fuge:cool:


I got the 3/4" check at Loew's...the very last one in the box!!!
They only had metal check valves at home depot.
I know of a place where you can get it online - if interested, just post your email.


Active Member
I'm assuming you have a pipe riser for the overflow ?
Or this is a reef ready designed tank
You're not just using a bulkhead on the floor of the tank are you ?
Other than that "unknown" for me ~ I'd say that is a good design and well thought out ;)


one thing that worries me is potential bubbles in the Steriline...but I haven't seen it in action yet so, maybe they won't be a problem. I dunno...


Active Member
Bubbles can be a pain for sure.
You may be okay - or you may need to take some action once the systems up and running.
You could discharge the overflow water from the tank into a plastic container placed in the sump - sometimes this helps with bubbles.
I'm unfamiliar with that skimmer - don't know much about it or bubbles from it.
A divider wall isolating your intake for the Mag9.5 may help too.
Dunno either ;)
Good luck with it though !


I have a RR with dual 1" Overflows using the durso standpipes. I have two Mag 9's for return and with no baffles, I had a lot of bubbles in my return. I installed a series of two baffles between the overflows and my skimmer and return pumps. This eliminated all but a small amount. I would like to have no bubbles, but would probably have to redesign my whole sump/refugium. I run the same skimmer, and it does not generate any bubbles on the return.
Good luck


tank is now running and what I've noticed from my design is that the overflow into my sump is pretty loud. I have it going into a glass jar (acting as a baffle), but it's still sounding like a waterfall.
I gotta get it quieter....


also, when people mention bubbles being a problem....what size bubbles are we talking, cause at times I notice tiny tiny bubbles (about the size of a pencil dot). Are these the culprits or are we talking about larger ones the size of a seed or just any bubbles whatsoever...?