good way to frag xenia?


Active Member
i have alot of xenia and im looking for a good way to frag them and a way to mount them to rock ruble or plugs. any good ideas would help. once i find a good safe way to do it then ill have alot of xenia to trade. thanks for your help


Active Member
Take a plastic cup and put some rock/rubble in the bottom of it. Put the frags into the cup and set the cup in a low flow area of the tank. The cup will keep the xenia from being blasted away and it will attach to the rock. Works for me anyway :)


If you google "fragging Xenia" you will find a link to a video someone made thats only 20 sec. long


Active Member
Originally Posted by Farslayer
Take a plastic cup and put some rock/rubble in the bottom of it. Put the frags into the cup and set the cup in a low flow area of the tank. The cup will keep the xenia from being blasted away and it will attach to the rock. Works for me anyway :)

ok that sounds ok but whats a good way to cut them off of the main rock?


when i got my xenia from someone ,all they did cause i was there was just cut with sizzors in the water as close to rock as many stalks you want off the mother colony and put in plastic bag with saltwater in it. then place new frags in your tank against rocks (wedge in ) and it will attach itself ,in about a week. i have mine 1 1/2 months and they have already split again this way.

also if you frag the nice trumpets i would like one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by seannmelly
ok that sounds ok but whats a good way to cut them off of the main rock?
Oh man Xenia is so easy to frag it's ridiculous.
Slice it with a new razor blade and rubber band it to a piece of live rock. Wait 2 days and remove the rubber band.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishfryer
when i got my xenia from someone ,all they did cause i was there was just cut with sizzors in the water as close to rock as many stalks you want off the mother colony and put in plastic bag with saltwater in it. then place new frags in your tank against rocks (wedge in ) and it will attach itself ,in about a week. i have mine 1 1/2 months and they have already split again this way.

also if you frag the nice trumpets i would like one.

how would i frag the candy cane? let me know how and we can make a deal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by seannmelly
how would i frag the candy cane? let me know how and we can make a deal.
Hi Cary!!!!.I'm the person that fragged the Xenia for fishfryer.I cut them back weekly with scissors. They grow so quick. The candycane is easy just break a piece off. Snap it like a tree branch.Happy Fragging :cheer: :cheer:


hi misfit, your frogspawn is growing good i think it is starting a 3rd head. how is the mushroom? did it get any bigger? i fraged one of my purple elephant ears and mounted on rock several weeks ago but growing good. if you want let me know.


i have to go to the office wed morning ,if good i could stop after around 9:45 am otherwise i back again next week monday afternoon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by seannmelly
hey guys thanks for highjacking my thread
Sorry :joy: :joy: Didnt mean to hijack!!! Did you frag that candy cane yet????? Cary next Monday would be better. Wont be around Wed.


sorry to hi jack, we are waiting for answer if you frag your candy cane and would like a frag. i sent you a e-mail. and misfit monday is good. i will call you when i get down to office.


Active Member
no i havnt fraged it yet, no one has asked me too other than i think you in my email. i need to know whats up for offers how many heads you would like ect. im not going to frag it just to sit in my tank taking up more space, lol. let me know