goodies(i hope) from Rocky Point, Mexico

spent the weekend in Rocky Point, Mexico with a bunch of old high school friends. i brought back some rock, plants, hermits,snails. also have something ive seen on this site but couldnt remember if its good or bad so i have put everything else in my qt which was empty to wait and see whats in there and to cure. i left the questionable critter in a bucket till i hear back from you guys. it s one of those things thats flat with a kind of soft segmented shell and snail like on the bottom. sort of looks like a trilobite without the head. i still dont know how to post pics yet, sorry. friend was supposed to come over to show me and hasnt shown up yet.
i looked up chiton and youre right thats what it is. it says theyre good so if i can pry him off the bucket he is going in the qt. thanks