goofieones & anyone else: 100-125G bow front tanks?


Hey people...
Does anyone know of a place/manufacturer that makes 100-125G bow front aquariums? Or even a store...or someone trying to get rid of a used one?? Can't afford a custom job, but looking for what is out there... I'll post my email address if you got a lead for me!
I know that AGA makes 72G (too small for me) & 155G (too big)...
Goofieones, I searched this subject on the board and saw a post where you said, "I bought the 72G, but I should have bought the 125G bow front"...did you mean the AGA 155, or do you know of a manufacturer out there that makes 125 bf's??


Tencor makes acrylic tanks that are distributed by various sites on the web. Do a search for them. :)


New Member
Oceanic makes a really nice one and its quality is top notch. I am considering trading my regular 200g for a 175 gal bow front that they make. Talk to your lfs; they can order one for you. Good luck.


Staff member
The problem I found with the bow fronts is trying to find a canopy for them! Fortunately, I was able to find someone who builds them which was very reasonably priced.
Just a note: I've heard that AGA over 100gals tend to leak, so be wary!
[ August 05, 2001: Message edited by: Beth ]