Gorgonian care


Active Member
I have been thinking of what corals I want next in my tank and one thing that caught my attention was gorgonians. I have been reading a little and searching for information but I haven't found alot so I was hoping anyone who has experience with them could give me some recommendations/advice about them before I go out and buy one.
I have a 65 gal tank with a 2 x 96w PC light, The other corals I have are various zoos, a few ricordia, red sea xenia, kenya tree, and a green finger leather. Other inhabitants are various hermits (mostly hawaiian left handed zebra hermit), various snails (mostly astrea), o clowns, royal gramma, blue damsel, scooter dragonet, and yellow tang.


New Member
I would recommend a non-photosyntehtic gorgonian. This means you'll have to feed it, but I think they're easier. Provide lots of laminar flow(to allow skin sloughing, and prevent algae growth), feed it, and you should be fine.


Make sure you get the one's with the white polyps, the red are almost impossable to keep. I have a red gorgonian with white polyps. Put it in a shady spot with strong water flow.