I have had this yellow gorgonian for almost 2 weeks. I noticed one of the branches is turning brown. Is it dying? Do I trim off the brown branches? What might be causing this. It does open up and feed throughout the day. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Ben, they need great flow. it is dying if its turning brown. I made the mistake of cutting mine when it did that and it all started dying. just make sure it has really high water flow.
yes I know it needs high flow but I also hear it needs only partial light so the algea doesn't grow on it. It is hard to get shade and high flow. hmmm... Thanks for your help.
I haven't seen mine fully open up yet. The white polyps only come out a little. Should this be anchored to anything or just set into the sand? I like this one: mine has never looked like this. beautiful gorgonian