

cna anyone tell me what exactly a gorgonian is is it a coral or something else, if its a coraly than why is it not with them but in the invert sect?


Here is what I found for info on a green lace gorgonian. If you do a Google search on them you will find all kinds of information:
The Green Lace Gorgonia has a green, red, orange, gray, brown color. It likes to eat filter feeding invert food, brine shrimp, micro-plankton a few times per week, when open. The Gorgonia species is generally semi-aggressive toward other tankmates. Many consider the Gorgonia species a medium-maintenance specimen. Has moderate lighting needs. The Gorgonia, Sea Rod, Sea Whip, Sea Blade requires moderate water flow. Symbiotic algae zooxanthellae are hosted within this organism. Branching coral. Allow adequate space, as this polyp will grow rapidly. Do not expose to open air. Keep water quality high (SG 1.023 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F).
So, I guess you would say it is a coral.