

New Member
I was just looking at getting some Gorgonians for my tank and had a couple of questions. I was wondering when the listing says strong water flow how much is really needed? Also if I understand they really don't need much light? I am also thinking of getting some sponges and feather dusters. The lighting I have is a coralife 50/50 96watts. Would those be good choices for my lighting?


Active Member
There are different types of Gorgs. Photosynthetic or not. The ones that are not are very hard to keep. Little is known on their feeding habits. Be sure to research these very carefully before purchasing.


Active Member
You have to have strong flow because if ANY algae starts to grow on them or detritus settles on them it will cause necrosis to start. That can end up killing your gorg. Like above stated, some are photosynthetic and some are not so research different kinds before deciding.