Gorgos and pollyps


New Member
When I read about gorgos and pollyps, the article normally states that they are agressive to tank mates. What do they do, and how are they aggressive. Personally I think that they are neat. I would like to add them to my tank. What types are good additions, if any. I have a 55 gal, with adequate live rock and a DSB. My only fish are 1 domino damsel, 1 cinamon clown, and 1 ebili angel. I have 3 pepermint shrimp, a number of blue legged and scarlet legged crabs, one emerald crab and a number of turbo snails and magerita snails. I plan to go reef, and would like to maybe add a jaw fish, blonde naso tang. Maybe some ricorda mushrooms, lettuce nudi branch some flame scallops, and shaving brushes. Thank you for your time and mentorship


New Member
Is there any type of tang that would work in a 55? I used to have a yellow and two hippo's. All young, however over christmas we lost electric and along with that heat and so did my fish. I lost my whole tank:eek: So I had to over. Things are running smooth, I just don't know what direction I want to head?


Sorry to hear about the loss. Tangs need room, the only tang I would even consider is a yellow tang but even he will get cramped. Good luck and picking a direction in this hobby unless you can afford lots of tanks it's hard.