gorilla grab making a huge click noise


Hi, while I was sleeping last night, I hear a huge click on my tank like an electric shot. I though it was my new coral band shrimp but then when I was watching the tank this mourning, I saw a damn gorilla crab moving very very fast and while he was moving, he hitted the floor making this noise....

lol I am trying to remove him but its so hard....


Active Member
didn't know they clicked.
i have a monster one that started out as a baby. easiest way of getting it is grabbing the rock it is on. do at night while it is out and about.


no man im 100% shure its not a mantis........ Its some type of bronish color crab and while he eats at some rock or something, he hits the rock pretty hard making a click...lol


Originally Posted by Netopr
Hi, while I was sleeping last night, I hear a huge click on my tank like an electric shot. I though it was my new coral band shrimp but then when I was watching the tank this mourning, I saw a damn gorilla crab moving very very fast and while he was moving, he hitted the floor making this noise....

lol I am trying to remove him but its so hard....

please try not to swear and check your spelling, although reading your "he hitted the floor" was entertaining. It sounds like you have a pistol shrimp or mantis, a Gorilla crab simply does not make a noise like that.


Active Member
i have a gorilla crab in my fuge, and i swear i hear clicking noises coming from it, but i always thought it was maybe my pistol shrimp clicking through the bottom of the tank. i'd not say they never make a noise, this may explain mine as well...


Originally Posted by TangWhispr
please try not to swear and check your spelling, although reading your "he hitted the floor" was entertaining. It sounds like you have a pistol shrimp or mantis, a Gorilla crab simply does not make a noise like that.
Please help us. You know I was looking at one of your other post about a QT tank, are you always so negative to others trying to do the right thing? We are on here is learn and take advise from others. By the way, I'm not trying to start any trouble but one comment about someone being beaten on one post and now your offended about the word Da__? Just wondering. Have a great Day!


Originally Posted by Snaredrum
Please help us. You know I was looking at one of your other post about a QT tank, are you always so negative to others trying to do the right thing? We are on here is learn and take advise from others. By the way, I'm not trying to start any trouble but one comment about someone being beaten on one post and now your offended about the word Da__? Just wondering. Have a great Day!

I agree some people are not the best spellers but that doesn't mean nothing cause this isn't a english forum it's a saltwater fish forum!


Active Member
yea, but sometimes correct grammar and spelling makes it easier to read. it never hurts to practice it.
negativity is a different matter though. :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Snaredrum
By the way, I'm not trying to start any trouble but one comment about someone being beaten on one post and now your offended about the word Da__? Just wondering. Have a great Day!

I agree. The d word isn't really a bad swear word. Everybody uses it without getting offended.


My whole thing is that I really enjoy getting information from this site. The people on here are really helpful even when you know that some questions are asked a thousand times. I just don't want to ever see it get to a negative thing because of some with personal attacks when the person asking the question really don't know the correct answer. Off the soapbox and back to saltwater! Thanks Guys!