Got a Black Dogface puffer, Can I get Porcupine


NO Puffer fish as you know like there own space and think they are the only ones in the tank, especially when it comes to feeding time. Pufferfish can not be kept with other puffers or with porcupines and vise versa. Incompatible in most cases. Although If they are raised together your tank may be large enough they may not bother eachother and may learn to stand each other, but one day there will be a fight and both eith die or one will remain badly injured. It is my experience that you can keep Anemonefish, pincone fish, moray eels, lionfish, hawkfish, jawfish, angelfish, basses, Butterfly fish, cardnalfish, catfish, damselfish, firefish, filefish, Batfish, blennies,gobies, grammas, wrasses, sweetlips, squirrelfish, and tangs only with nearly 100% success, with the puffer fish.


tankstolove... I have to question some of your choices regarding what can be kept with a dogface puffer... First of all i agree with you that keeping 2 puffers together will usually mean disaster for one or both of them. I'd say the firefish which you mentioned as having nearly 100% success, Would mean the puffer would be nearly 100% successful in eating him... same goes for the cardnalfish, most gobies (cleaner gobies may be spaired) and some of the other smaller fish you mentioned. I would advise against angels, most tangs and butterflies as well, as most of these require near perfect water conditions. (hardly possible with a puffer unless you have a killer filtration system.) Batfish (Platax spp.) have large fins that seem like a target for the puffer to nip. Some of the other choices you mentioned such as moray eels and Large wrasses might make a good choice. You seem to have more experience than i do, and i could be wrong here, but i just thought i'd offer another opinion.


Well sorry to give bad advice - your tank is pretty damn big - I see large and small puffers together all the time. Surely in a tank this size he would be able to get away with it?


I don't know if this is common or not, but a friend of mine had a golden and a marbled puffer together in a 400g. Fine for about 18 months and then they beat the H%LL out of each other. Probably not a good idea.
Thanks everybody for the advice, I don't think I will do it, I am sure I could probably get away with it, its all speculative, but I just don't want to take the chance.