Got a Croal branded shrimp from


And it arived looking ok... The entini were bend all up and a few looked like they were cut off. I thought no big deal, then i noticed that one of its legs were broke, it was just hung there and the shrimp never moved it or used it when walking.
Now today to my surpise I go to my tank to take a look at how its doing. The 2 BIG pintchers are GONE all gone. What happend to him? I mean i got anouther sally lightfoot and my big one cut on if its legs off but now they are fine. Could my sally have goten into a fight with it and cut off its pinchers? And what should i do with it now? call see what they will do or just leave it alone?
sometimes when banded corals shed there arms will fall off don't panic they will grow back. my bc shrimp did the same thing and his arms grew back in a couple of weeks


Usually, but not always, when the shrimp molts, everything will come back He will be LIKE NEW. Don't worry it happens a lot.