Got a dwarf lion today.


It's the first fish for my newly cycled tank. I was wondering what fish would be good to keep with it. I would like to get a true perc and a scooter blennie. Any other suggestion for fish is appreciated. Thanks :) .


lions can be joined by a lot of different fish ..tangs triggers hawks groupers puffers among other.. while your tank is way too small for some of these fish.. hawks and maybe even a trigger or eel would work like a flame hawk or a snowflake moray. or a picasso trigger ..the dwarf obviously due to his name stays small so some other fish would probably be ok.. a clown ..just make sure it's not small enough to be swallowed.. a scooter i'm not sure about .. if it was a decent sized one i don't konw why there would be a problem.. but i'd keep accepting info.. maybe some one else would have more ideas and insight for you..good luck and enjoy your new fish..


Congrats on your Llion!! I bought a dwarf fuzzy lion (a.k.a. Bumblebee Lion)about 2 weeks ago and he's way cool!! Still gathering info and opinions what is best to feed him. Right now he gets 2-3 guppies every other day. What I have learned is NOT to feed him goldfish. The fat content is too high and Lions are prone to fatty liver disease. My lfs suggests weaning him over to Mysis shrimp over time. As far as other fish to keep with him, I would see no problem with a scooter. I added my lion last so that the other fish were just a bit more dominant with their territory and he doesn't hassle them at all. In about another week or so I plan on adding one final critter, though I haven't decided just what. Looking for something colorful, and different.
55 ga
3" ls
15 - 20 lbs lr
Emporer 400 dual bio-wheel filter
UV sterilizer
Purple Tip Anemone
Feather Duster
2 Sand Stars
2 Horseshoe Crabs
Engineer Goby
Diamond Goby
Banded Shrimp
Blue Damsel
Blue Fin Chromis
Royal Gramma
Tomato Clown
Dwarf Fuzzy Lion


Active Member
If it were me, in that smal of a tank I would chose maybe one more aggresive fish. Thats about it. The problem with aggresive fish is their waste. They eat alot so they "waste" alot. Most aggresive setups are lightly stocked.
A cool fish to start with the lion would be a small trigger. I like these fish. They have alot of personality when they're not lying on a rock.
Plus, when you upgrade the tank they will both be ok with other agresive fish.


I have to disagree with placing triggers with any lionfish. Triggers are notorious for nipping the spines off of the lions then harassing them to death. Puffers are a bad idea too. Not only because they nip too, but they are rather slow to move out of the way and might be accidently stung by the lionfish. Not to mention that neither one would do well in a small tank.
In a 37g, I wouldn't recommend any tang (although they are a good match for lions), but a larger clown like the tomato would be good, or a flame hawkfish would go good too. Just remember that lionfish have extremely large mouths and any fish or shrimp that can fit in there, they will try and take! Slender bodied fish like the blennies, gobies, etc...IMO it's only a matter of time. Try and go for fish that are more laterally compressed rather than long and slender. Also remember that lionfish will put out quite a bit of waste, so don't overstock the tank.
You can do a search on training lionfish to take "dead" foods. It is a very good idea to switch him over while he is the only fish in the tank (it makes it easier to do!). It is very important that you don't feed your lionfish for the long term on freshwater fish! Very bad for them, even guppies have high fat contents and lack the HUFA's that all marine fish need.
Good luck to you and your new fish! :D
.....just my 2 cents....... ;)


One suggestion was for a snowflake moray. I would love to have one, but won't it get to big for my 37 gallon. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


I would consider some kind of wrasse, my lfs has has a lepord wrasse that is definitly a cool fish, very active, I think most wrasses would be fine with a dwarf lion as long as you get them big enough. Just what I would want in my tank though :cool:


New Member
I've had a dwarf lion for the last year or so.
when i got him he was only about 1-1/2" and ate nothing but guppies.
I'd say give him/her a few weeks to acclimate to the tank. Next is to ween him off live food..this can be difficult.i pretty much had to starve him for a week.then i started feeding "freeze dried plankton".because they float pretty good and if there's water movement it looks alive to the D.lion....i stade with this for @ a month and then started feeding live guppies once in a while for treets and extra nurishment...a couple months ago i started him on frozen KRILL which after they thaw out a little set 1 on the waters surface gently so it floats or he wont eat it if it sinks start far as other fish go,,the only rule i've heard is if they fit in his mouth he'll likely eat it..........good luck


i feed mine saltwater shrimp, this is pretty easy for me since i live on the ocean for other people it may be a bit of a problem. never get a fish that even come close to the size of it's mouth. one day i decided to tease my lion by putting a shrimp i "knew" was too big for him to eat. The shrimp last about 2 seconds, then the lion just hung in the upper corner of the tank for the next week digesting the thing. for the first 3 days you could still see the antenna of the shrimp sticking out a good 4 inches. My lkion is not a dwarf but the lesson still applies, they have HUGE mouths. and they are always hungery, and they are also canablastic (sp) watched a bigger lion munch a smaller one in the pet store.