Got a good deal! Now i have a few questions.


I went to a LFS' annual sidewalk sale this weekend and picked up a used acrylic sump ($25) and a couple of brand new Dual Actinic Power
compacts ($12 each).
The sump is going to be elevated between the level of my 30G Reef and the refugium that is sitting on the floor. I plan on running the drain line from the Display tank, into this acrylic sump, then out of the drill hole at the bottom of the acrylic sump into my 20 galllon baffled refugium, then pump it back up to the display tank. (think that will work?)
I havent decided which direction to go with the sump though. I have never used a skimmer before and am debating if i want to add one. The skimmer piece of the sump is not complete and is sitting on the right side of the pic (i removed it from the sump to take the pics). What else would i need to make it a working skimmer? I kind of want to use this section for a deep sand bed. What do you all think?
I have also never had any type of mechanical filtration on my tank before, but i am going to be putting a filter pad over the drip tray to catch random debris and detritus (i will be cleaning it weekly).
The section under the drip tray came with some sort of white filter floss. (which i have removed) I am not a fan of bio balls and am trying to figure out what i should fill this section with. Suggestions please.
Finally, there is a hair line crack which is well above the water line on the drip tray part of the sump. (pic attached) I would not have bought this sump if i thought this crack would be any problem at all (there will be no pressure on that part of acrylic). The question is, do you think i should even worry about sealing it or just leave it alone?



New Member
Even though it is above the water line, I would think it would be a good idea to seal it. By sealing it, it could prevent any further damage.