got a new fish, please please help


i just got back from the fish store with a royal gramma. before i started floating the bag he started swimming upside down. after i got him acclimatted he is hiding but in plane view. hes under a rock but right in the front of my tank. now that i can get a good look at him one of his fins is slightly ripped and he has a brown line that goes from his lower jaw to the top of his head. he hasnt really moved in the 45 minutes hes been in the tank. anyone got any ideas of what to do? i know they usually hide while they are new but im scared that hes not hiding but dieing. and i dont know what that brown line is.


LionFish says.......
Although, I own a Black-Cap Basslet and not a Royal Gramma, I have owned a few in my day. I don't recall seeing a brown line but I really wasn't completely searching for any brown lines but I could be wrong. I know much more about Black-Caps than Royal Grammas but I did just inspect my Black-Cap and I can't see any line besides the one coming from behind his eye which is normal. But there really is nothing to worry about with him not coming out. My Basslet did this for nearly 4 days without even moving out of his rock. I thought he had croaked just after I spent $40 on him. Thankfully on day 5 he showed some activity and ate for the first time. You must understand that these are skiddish fish and take time to feel at home. If he is breathing then all should be fine. Keep us updated though. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.


hes been in the tank for about 5 hours now and really hasnt moved from one spot. hes breathing but not doing really anything else. just tested my water, ammona-0 nitrite-0. his breathing doesnt really look labored it just looks to me like every breath he takes could be the last one. anybody seen anything like that brown line that runs from his mouth past his eye? could it be some sort of infection?


Active Member
Royal Grammas do have a line that runs from there mouth past there eye so I dont think that is anything to worry about. They are also known to sit upside down under rocks although I have never seen mine do this. I have however seen mine sit sideways on the rocks.
When I got mine he was in hiding for 2 days and would not come out for anything.
Now after a few weeks he still hides a little but sticks his head out from the rocks every now and then.
I wouldnt worry too much.


I just took a good look a my royal Grammas and did not see any line on him, I know mine is a very hardy fish. The fin being riped might have happened when your lfs caught him if they used a net, I would just keep a eye on him, you might see if you can get him to eat, if he does that would be a good sign. Good Luck


Active Member
As the others have said all new fish take to their new homes a bit differently. My current Royal was a no show in my reef tank for weeks when first put in, altho every so often it would dash out for food then be gone again. At one point I figured it had died and just when I decided to look for the body out it came for awhile, So be patient and keep a eye on it but don't try to disturb it and make it come out as this will stress it more. Let us know how it it does as time goes on.


well this morning he is doing a whole lot better. when i woke up and looked he wasnt in the same spot so i immediately checked the filter and powerheads to see if he had died and been sucked into one. after i looked there and didnt find him i put a little food in my tank and prayed for the best. then i saw him dart outta my LR and eat some food. so man was i excited. hes still got that brown line, his left fin is ripped and he has a long trail of fish waste hanging from him. anybody think anything might be wrong with him? i mean does it sound like an infection or something? im probably gonna post this question in the disease section too, but thank you all for the help.


Active Member
Check out this sites store and look for a picture of a Royal Gramma. You will see a black line from his mouth past his eye. Mine also has a black line although it is not as thick as the one in this picture.