Got a rogue...


Got a straggler rogue in my tank, first time I have EVER seen the little sucker. I have NO clue what it is, it looks like the arm of one of those really thin starfishes with the tons of li'l legs on a sea centipede, it's orange. I've only seen part of it so I don't know if it's just a worm or a starfish but I'm pretty sure it's not a starfish...any thoughts what this is?
If it's harmful you can bet I will track it down and take it out but if it isn't, it could just be another fun addition to my tank. Any ideas of what this could be?


ewww yeah that's exactly it...what do I do? He seems to have grown quite large I've never seen him before.


I looked up various reef sites for this thing...and they all basically say that I should take them out. They grow to be really big, really fast and they will eventually hurt your fish and corals, is this true?
It seems that fishing these guys out is going to be a pain...I have to soak the rocks that I suspect that they're hiding in fresh water...but I guess I could get traps as well but I hear they aren't nearly as effective as they should be.
He seems to be housing with my Goby...they seem to be hiding in the same rock and I'm fearful that he will hurt my goby.


Active Member
They will basically only eat dead things...This is good, because you can't see everything that has died in your tank. They may be mean looking, but they're a good addition . IMO :D


In all the books I've read (limited as that may be) the only think I have been able to find is some are good and some are bad. There are several species of bristle worms, some get really big others remain small and are mainly detritus eaters. See if you can get a pic of it that would help some.