Got a SFE


Finally got me a SFE. I'd like to thank the people in my "eels" post to help me with this. I'll be posting pictures soon. He's about 6" long and 1/6" thick


Originally Posted by derf
Finally got me a SFE. I'd like to thank the people in my "eels" post to help me with this. I'll be posting pictures soon. He's about 6" long and 1/6" thick
Congrats on your new eel be carefull though they are a gateway fish you fall in love and soon want another,before you know it you will be a moray addict.


I had one for a while, when I got it, it was about 8" long and about 1/2" in diameter ( if that big). After about 2 years, it grew to over 20" long and about 1 1/2" in dia. This guy was huge!! Came in from Church one Sunday and there he lay in the floor! It was dry, wasn't moving, so I got a Zip Lock bag and put him in it. My daughter yelled It's moving. I had just done a water change about 2 days earlier and still had the old water. So I stuck a heater in it along with a powerhead, put the SFE that was in the baggie, floating in the tank. After the old water came up to temp I floated the eel in the baggie in the old water then released it, after acclimating. After about 4-5 hours it started moving around. I thought it was going to live but quit breathing about 4 days later.


Active Member
They are escape artists. Escape proof the tank .Mine got out and was a solid chunk or fur from the carpet fuzz when I got home. Being stiff and all, I threw him back into the tank and within 30 min. or so he was swimming around again.


i've been wondering on how to escape proof my tank. He's in my quarantine right now and that's escape proof. The only places in my main tank are by where my protein skimmer hangs onto. There may be a few other small spots. Any ideas?


Originally Posted by wilsonreef
I had one for a while, when I got it, it was about 8" long and about 1/2" in diameter ( if that big). After about 2 years, it grew to over 20" long and about 1 1/2" in dia. This guy was huge!! Came in from Church one Sunday and there he lay in the floor! It was dry, wasn't moving, so I got a Zip Lock bag and put him in it. My daughter yelled It's moving. I had just done a water change about 2 days earlier and still had the old water. So I stuck a heater in it along with a powerhead, put the SFE that was in the baggie, floating in the tank. After the old water came up to temp I floated the eel in the baggie in the old water then released it, after acclimating. After about 4-5 hours it started moving around. I thought it was going to live but quit breathing about 4 days later.

That's so sad! :(