Hey All. I'm new to the board. Well, here's my story, I just wanted some tips or pointers with my new hobby
I got a 30 gallon tank from my grandpa after he died. He used to have a freshwater tank but i took what i could use and now have it set up for salt water. I went to the ept store and got salt, some decorations, the ground filter, a live rock and tons of crushed coral/shells from the store for the bottom. So i had all that stuff, and a light and two regular filters left from my grandpa.
I started my tank out with 6 damsel fish, to start teh system in the tank until the ph level and amonia and all taht was where it should be. Then yesturday it was all were it should be and so the pet store lady told me today i could bring in the left over damsels (i only had three remaining since one decided to be a murderer) and trade them in for a bigger more exotic fish to settle my tastes. So today I brought home a spiny box puffer fish. He caught my eye because he was rather odd looking and was pretty energetic. Now that i have him, the pet shop lady said that i would be most likely able to get another fish to add next week, if chemicals are all still in balance. I have a fish in midn i want to get, a Lyretail Wrasse , but I was wondering if there would be a problem witht he two together or if anyone had any better ideas.
Also I was wondering, do Spiny box fish eat algea or other things off the glass or is mine just wierd? Cuz Smooge( that's what i named him
) swims up and down the glass and drags his lips on the glass and looks like he's enjoying a meal or something. Just wondering.
Sorry for the long post, I'm new and have lots on my mind. Feel free to give me any tips, tricks, hints, questions, comments, anything.
I started my tank out with 6 damsel fish, to start teh system in the tank until the ph level and amonia and all taht was where it should be. Then yesturday it was all were it should be and so the pet store lady told me today i could bring in the left over damsels (i only had three remaining since one decided to be a murderer) and trade them in for a bigger more exotic fish to settle my tastes. So today I brought home a spiny box puffer fish. He caught my eye because he was rather odd looking and was pretty energetic. Now that i have him, the pet shop lady said that i would be most likely able to get another fish to add next week, if chemicals are all still in balance. I have a fish in midn i want to get, a Lyretail Wrasse , but I was wondering if there would be a problem witht he two together or if anyone had any better ideas.
Also I was wondering, do Spiny box fish eat algea or other things off the glass or is mine just wierd? Cuz Smooge( that's what i named him
Sorry for the long post, I'm new and have lots on my mind. Feel free to give me any tips, tricks, hints, questions, comments, anything.