Got lucky at the LFS


Active Member
So some quick background, one lfs store around here always gets in zoo's amongst their other corals and for some wierd reason always puts them in the lowest light area of the tanks. They are always closed up so u never know what exactly your getting. I say this one smaller rock with some yellow and maybe a bit of orange so I figured what the heck for 16 bucks I will see what I get.. I come home to this, im pretty happy and love the three different zoo's especially the grey ones, very subtle but nice.


Beautiful. Hey, my sister lives in San Fran. Been there once. Loved it. Got the *%$^ scared out of me by the "Tree" guy on the Embarcadaro. :) The wife is going out there to my sisters in two weeks.


Thats cool. I just had an idea the other day... I have this LED flashlight that seems to make the flourescent colors all bright. Similar to a blacklight. You could get one of those keychain LED flashlights and bring them to the LFS. Shine it in the tank and maybe you can determine the colors of the zoas. I have some orange polyps that when closed, you can see a tiny bit of the orange peeking in the middle with the flashlight. I dunno, just an idea I thought I'd throw out there.


Active Member

Originally posted by hariii2
Beautiful. Hey, my sister lives in San Fran. Been there once. Loved it. Got the *%$^ scared out of me by the "Tree" guy on the Embarcadaro. :) The wife is going out there to my sisters in two weeks.

hehe oh yeah bushboi. I live on the embarcadero (one block up and towards the new ballpark) so I know the area your talking about. It has been amazing weather yesterday it was 76degrees out and sunny. Hope they have a nice visit!


Active Member

Originally posted by spline9
Thats cool. I just had an idea the other day... I have this LED flashlight that seems to make the flourescent colors all bright. Similar to a blacklight. You could get one of those keychain LED flashlights and bring them to the LFS. Shine it in the tank and maybe you can determine the colors of the zoas. I have some orange polyps that when closed, you can see a tiny bit of the orange peeking in the middle with the flashlight. I dunno, just an idea I thought I'd throw out there.

yeah not a bad idea! might be worth a shot I have one of those led lights already.