I got my first perc clown. I have a 55g. I took my 4 damsels back (finally, wahoo!!). So all I have in my tank is a perc clown and a cleaner shrimp. What i want to do is get another clown for the one i just bought today. I'll probably buy one this weekend. The question is, does it have to be a perc or can it be any?? I was going to buy a pair today but they had three clowns and two of them were pretty big. The 2 big ones were together and the little fellow I bought was all by himself. I bought a smaller one. I've heard they don't get along with another clown at first and that they will attack each other. Is this the case?? Does it matter on size? I'm guessing I should get one that is around the same size. Also, is there a way for one to tell if a clown is male or female? Sorry for all the questions, but I'm excited cause i finally got my first REAL fish