Got my live rock, now what?


I put in 160 lbs. of Fiji Live Rock on Saturday, along with a couple of snails and some real little crabs to help clean up. The tank is 180 gallons. My LFS told me to keep the light to about 4hrs a day. What else should I do, and what should I be looking for. Also, when can I add my fish. I plan on having the following:
Miniatus Grouper
Flagfin Angel
Emperor Angel
Red Sea Sailfin Tang
Niger Trigger
Picasso Trigger
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


ok, first of all i would say 8 hours for the light (8-10)
how long has the tank been up and running?
wait 3-4 week before adding your fish.
hope it all goes as planned


Active Member
Wow that's a lot of live rock !! I envy you :)
jeff gave good advise.
Now's a good time to monitor your ammonia/nitrites and nitrate, if you're not already doing so.
As mentioned, depending on the amount of die off, you may want to track the nitrates towards the end of the cycle ( if it cycles ).
With that much live rock - you may want to consider doing a large water change after amm & trites are zero. Depends on nitrate level at that time.
I wouldn't add anything else to this tank for awhile - month or two even. I'd consider just letting it simmer and when the water quality was stable and test results look good - start to slowly add livestock, one at a time over the next few months.
Got any pics ?