Got my osc. a new Buddy!!!



I have had my osc. clown for around 4 months, and got him a new buddy hoping he pairs up with the new guy. The new one is considerably larger than the one that has been in the tank for 4 months, so i am expecting that one to be the dominant female.
They were already swimming with eachother today, not quite pair swimming, but they were definitely staying together. Didnt know it would happen that fast, but mabye it did???
I am REALLY wanting to breed them, and am hoping that I will get some little babies in the future. Already have all the equipment to keep the babies, even down to the brine shrimp eggs!


Active Member
Good luck... I tried twice to pair my ocellaris with another. The first time around it happened as you have explained. The first day all was well, swimming together. The second day all hell broke lose. The original one was considerably larger than the new one. I hoped this would make the territoriality issue go away sooner. But the small, (assumed male) was hard headed. The larger one just kept beating on him and he never submitted. That is until his fins were completely mangled and missing and he retreated into the LR. He emerged a day later tattered but very submissive. The larger one was cool with him, but apparently he got an infection from his battle wounds and never recovered. I tried a second time, and although this one was a but stubborn it only took him a couple of hours of beatings to realize he needed to submit. Now they are paired, not breeding (yet) but definately paired. And she even lets him in the anemone to sleep w her at night, thats a real good sign. Good luck w yours.


Got mine 2 days apart, took a few days of hard beating and thrashing on each other, but im confident that there happier paired than singly.