Got my Refuge in Finally!


Active Member
90g Surfline display tank
2 802 PowerHeads
600gph Overflow
100lbs LR for texture.
100 lbs LS & very fine CC mix.
2 6" Niger Triggers
1 5" Undelate Trigger
1 12" SF eel
5" LM Blennie


Active Member
20 Gal Long tank. 2x15,000 65w lights..
1 600 gph Overflow box
30 lbs LS
50Lbs LR
20 Shaving brushes
15 Sea Fans
Lots of Calerpa
Small Cleaning Crew:
2 Pep shrimp
4 Blue leg crabs
10 Turbo Snails.


Active Member
This is the return flow from the Display tank Overflow box. Its just the hose running into an old trickle filter hanging on the side of the 20g refugium. I wrapped a sponge around the base of the hose inside the trickle filter to reduce the slash from water output gushes.


Active Member
Acu Clear Wet / Dry filter
SeaClone 100 /w Modifications.
Mag 6 Return pump
500w Titanium Heater under bio ball level.


Active Member
Mr Hermit is very happy to get out of the aggressive display tank where his 11 brothers were lunch for the trigger family.. He thought his days were numbered.


Looks good!
How much did your sump setup cost you?
What kind of protein skimmer you got there, and is it working?
Sorry, just a few questions!


Active Member

Originally posted by stapler
Looks good!
How much did your sump setup cost you?
What kind of protein skimmer you got there, and is it working?
Sorry, just a few questions!

Sump was used.. got it for 100 bucks.. the skimmer is a seaclone 100 i have made some modifications to it to get it to work right..


Well-Known Member
Looks like a good setup to me. Hope you tested power out and power return to make sure there were no floods.
I also added crushed oyster shells to my sump filter box. Seems to have really helped the calcium level. But then your calcium level is already fine.


Now how does the water from the overflow in the main tank get deposited into the refugium?


Active Member

Originally posted by beaslbob
Looks like a good setup to me. Hope you tested power out and power return to make sure there were no floods.
I also added crushed oyster shells to my sump filter box. Seems to have really helped the calcium level. But then your calcium level is already fine.

yup sure did.. thanks for checking up on me though!!! See all my plants.. hehehe..


Active Member

Originally posted by Irenicus
Now how does the water from the overflow in the main tank get deposited into the refugium?

I used the hose from the display overflow to a trickle filter i salvaged out of the bone yard.. Here is a pic..


Active Member

Originally posted by waterfaller1
Is it the pics..or does that DT got a wave to it?Nice tanks BTW:)

Lol its your eyes old one!! hehe.. j/k.. no its a proline tank... good eyes :)