Got my rock tonight- amazing deal!!


I picked up my live rock tonight! Got a deal and a half on it. $3/lb for fully cured marshall island rock from established tanks. TOns of life on this stuff. Polyps, tube worms, tons of coraline, small corals, a bunch of blue mushrooms, etc... I got aprox 80 pounds of it. Also got some tonga branch and several pieces of somekind of other rock that i guess you cant get anymore?? From somoa islands? I have it setup pretty cool now but i think im going to have to pull it out when i get my live sand later in the week.. I have 100# of southdown in there now.


I tested my water this AM, aprox 10hrs after putting the LR in... Amonia was .5 everything else was 0. Is this the start of a cycle? I was hoping to avoid one, the guy i got the LR said i should be able to put fish in right away. The LR was from established tanks and i live only 20min from him.
Also have some ID questions. Some of the rocks have little bright red stalks coming out of them, like little forks. aprox 1cm tall. Looks like some sort of coral???
Also some have what looks like spiderweb stuff on them. Others have pinkish sorta flem on em are these sponges??
I see several small snails of various designs, a few small featherdusters or tube worms? 1 aptasia. A few small pinkish-clear little swimming guys.


Where did you get rock? I am up on the north shore but would be willing to travel for a deal like that!
Tank looks great by the way.
Sounds like the tank is starting to cycle with an ammonia reading like. Hopefully it will be a quick one.


It was from a guy who used to have a small coral business and is closing up shop. I will ask him if he has more to sell at that price which i think he does. I will be going there again later this week to get some sand from him.
p.s. I used to live in marblehead and work at cutting edge.


If you can let me know how it goes that would be great. I am only looking for about 5lbs of rock. You can email at
Are you still on the North Shore?


ooh I could definately use a deal on LR. =o
I'm in quincy mass... lovely pets sells it for 6.99-7.99/lb
that isn't terribly unreasonable for a LFS but at the same time I'm not made of money either :p
Let me know if that guy has any more. I'd definately take a drive to pick some of that up.