Got Polyps?


Active Member
Yes, I went a little picture crazy again! A few polyp shots with a few tenticle shots thrown in as well. Let me know what you think! Happy Holidays!!:)

nm reef

Active Member
Yummy...I can close my eyes and see frags of several of those in my reef this time next year...maybe sooner!
Great pics!!:yes:


What type of Camera did you use for those close-ups? It looks like the camera was in the tank with them.
Very Cool Pics


Active Member
Thank you very much as always!! when your new tank is ready let me know! I 'll send you a belated Christmas present!!:)
Cherokee Angel,
Thank you very much!!
Thank you! Those were taken with a Cannon Power Shot A40. I have no clue what most of the settings do on it. I wish I could spend about an hour with Ryebread and have him school me on how to really use it! I did use the macro setting to get these shots but I am sure there is a better combo of settings to get the picture sharper. A lot of my pics come out fuzzy but occasionally a few turn out!