got some pics of the new bamboo shark if you guys wanna see


Where are the pics? In the shark tank section it says it was last updated today but when I go in the newest pic is from september.
shark pics
look at the janurary ones, my bros comp is all messed up it just crashed so he didnt change things yet.
[ October 08, 2001: Message edited by: dlight692000 ]


well for some reason the link doesn't work for me...and neither does your home page icon???
anyone else having this problem??


It's workin for me justchillen.
Dlight, man that is awesome! I might deside to just ditch the tank and make a pond, how much was that pond w/ the filtration?
he nibbled tonight!!!! I AM EXCITED I THINK HE WILL EAT BY TOMOROW. my lfs where i ordered ordered a macelyi for me( a tiger shark) but no worries it is a carpet shark.


$900 really? im feeling depressed i spenmt more than that on my little 30 gallon i guess i should of done more research


Active Member
dlight, he is sooo cute, we saw one down in Detroit at a lfs we go to, it looked like it was rubber though. Hope he eats for you tomorrow..Good luck, Lisa


thanks dlight, how much would it be without the discounts and with the sand, and equipment, wood, plastic, and insulation.