got some!

I bought a big 4 lb. piece of LR today ....... I am so excited! :D Not sure if I told you all or not, but 2 weeks ago, I won a 5 lb. piece of Hapaii LR. So, this brings me up to 10 lbs or so in my 125. I know not a lot, but I am adding as I can. This 4 lb piece that I got is huge, has some grees stuff on it, looks like some sand dollars attached, a round red thing (maybe a mushroom?)..... coraline algae. I'm wondering what other kind of life will show up? And, its much nicer than the piece of Hapaii that I won!


Sounds like your on your way. Have fun that's what it's all about. (Better have fun because the cost of saltwater stuff will make you cry.)


a piece of my rock had baby starfish attached. They are so tiny. Smaller than the head of a pencil eraser!!


We actually got a rock that had an emerald crab hiding inside one of the nooks!
<img src="graemlins//bah.gif" border="0" alt="[bah]" />


Active Member
When I started I also added a little LR at a time. Nothing wrong with that method at all. As mentioned above, have fun with it.
How long will it take for life to show up? I haven't seen any yet .....
Yes, I would agree ..... saltwater is expensive. I want to buy some PC lighting, and even that is expensive!! <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" />
when i got my LR is had star polyps on it .. it turned into quite a large bush of them .. give it a few days you will see all the stuff that grows on it and you will be amazed :)
Here's a picture that I took ..... the one to the left is of the Happai LR that I won off of ----. The big piece is the Fiji rock that I got yesterday! Quite a difference in size! :)
The store that I got my cleaner shrimp has a sale on their Fiji rock til Saturday ...... $4.50/lb!! I'm thinking of maybe adding another 5-10 lb. piece ...... Should I wait? I don't want to add too much of a bioload all at one time. Although, theirs is fully cured, too.