Got something groing on my coral.



I have a purple mono with brown alge growing on it. What should I do try and brush it off. I noticed my other mono looks to have red hair alge growing on it to.I have a mushroom to that looks like its been eating on from something. Does my open brain look like itabout to split? Please need advise. Checked my premeters yesterday and all looks good Im going to do a water change its time for one to be done.


when a SPS coral starts to die off the skeleton is exposed when this happens algae will start to grow on it. when the sos coral are alive and doing good the algae can not get a hold of the coral because there will not be any exposed areas for the algae to grab onto.
the mushroom looks like it is deflated in those areas if thats the case it will open back up again.
the brain looks good not sure about a split though you will just have to keep an eye on it and see. you might also want to take pictures of it if it starts to split and document it here.
when you say your tests are good what are they exactly and what do you normally test for.