got the wrong fish



I ordered a yellow stripe maroon clownfish and got a regular maroon, a misbar at that.well it's been a while and i thought maybe it's just because he is so little the gold isn't showing, but he is about 1.5" now and not even the slightest yellow to him at all. Should i just bite the bullet and order another one hoping to get a gsm? or complain to the store and see if they would do anything for me.
It's been maybe a month or month and a half. so as far as warranty that has long run out.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by rhino56 http:///t/393320/got-the-wrong-fish#post_3498214
I ordered a yellow stripe maroon clownfish and got a regular maroon, a misbar at that.well it's been a while and i thought maybe it's just because he is so little the gold isn't showing, but he is about 1.5" now and not even the slightest yellow to him at all. Should i just bite the bullet and order another one hoping to get a gsm? or complain to the store and see if they would do anything for me.
It's been maybe a month or month and a half. so as far as warranty that has long run out.
Welcome to the site!
That's a very long time to wait before complaining about a mistake. If you don't like the specimen, take him in for something you do want. If you are ordering on-line...well all I can tell you is to take it to a LFS for credit on fish food if you can get it, and then purchase from eye it and buy it you can hand pick your fish.


Originally Posted by Flower http:///t/393320/got-the-wrong-fish#post_3498244
Welcome to the site!
That's a very long time to wait before complaining about a mistake. If you don't like the specimen, take him in for something you do want. If you are ordering on-line...well all I can tell you is to take it to a LFS for credit on fish food if you can get it, and then purchase from eye it and buy it you can hand pick your fish.
Thanks :) the reason for the length of time is i couldn't tell if it was a gold bar or not because he was so small and i thought he might color up as he got bigger.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by rhino56 http:///t/393320/got-the-wrong-fish#post_3498264
Thanks :) the reason for the length of time is i couldn't tell if it was a gold bar or not because he was so small and i thought he might color up as he got bigger.
LOL..I totally understood the WHY you waited...I too am forever optimistic. In the future, or for anyone else reading this post...You might call the seller and ASK if the color of the fish will change as it matures. Also explain you just want to be sure you got the right fish.
Each fish is actually different, the stripes or the design are all a little bit different, and I'm afraid color is the same way. Some fish have more vibrant colors while another of the same species has less of certain colors than what is expected. The only way to be sure the fish of choice has the markings and colors you have to get eye it and buy it, or go to a LFS and hand pick your specimen.
This goes for everything from rocks to corals. If you order are going to get whatever the seller grabs up and most times (it's the nature of humans) they save the best for themselves or friends. I have even gone to the LFS and was told I couldn't purchase a certain rock because they want it for themselves, or saving it for a buddy, so you can imagine how the on-line folks do things. If it's a really big busy on-line store such as SWF...they just grab up and send...sometimes it's the pick of group and sometimes not...but as long as a specimen is healthy is what really matters.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by rhino56 http:///t/393320/got-the-wrong-fish#post_3498264
Thanks :) the reason for the length of time is i couldn't tell if it was a gold bar or not because he was so small and i thought he might color up as he got bigger.
Most maroon clowns are aquacultured now, and the farmer knows that they will all be gold stripe maroons. The reason you were given one without is because it is still small and still a juvenile. If you just feed him well and take your time, he will grow up to be a very fine specimen. If you purchase an older fish, you will get an older fish with a shorter life expectancy. Feed him, watch him grow big. 1.5 inches is still small, especially for a maroon - just doesn't have his stripes yet. If it is truly a misbar yellow stripe maroon, you may have a small rarity on your hands. If you turn him in now, you'll only be cheating yourself.


well i was hoping to get a pair bonded so i got 2 small ones, they have bonded and get along great together, hopefully in the future they will become a mated pair. I guess ill see what comes of it as i would hate to break them up now. If they ever have babies who knows maybe they will be gold stripes anyways.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by rhino56 http:///t/393320/got-the-wrong-fish#post_3498357
well i was hoping to get a pair bonded so i got 2 small ones, they have bonded and get along great together, hopefully in the future they will become a mated pair. I guess ill see what comes of it as i would hate to break them up now. If they ever have babies who knows maybe they will be gold stripes anyways.
Logic tells me they will...
I wish you the best of luck and hope that everything turns out the way you want it to. I'm glad that you have reconsidered. :D


Well-Known Member
I had no idea that the clown fish change as they mature. I would have called right away trying to get my money back.