Ive tried that! I have let the net sit in the tank for a day and then put a frozen cube of brine shrimp to entice him (and all I netted was my lawnmower blenny). I tried to make a "new and improved" fish trap out of a couple of chinese food containers (the big plastic ones buy soup in - not the cheap cardboard kind obviously) with a hole big enough for him to swim in and weighed it down with large empty snail shell and yet another frozen cube of mysis - trapped my yellow tang! I am really at my wits end with this guy. So, unfortunately, I figure tonight Im going to go buy an oversized rubbermaid container and tommorro will be "overhaul the 90 to get the dirtbag tomato clown out" day.
Meanwhile, it has been fun - Ive been letting the kids take turns trying to net the tomato... I told them Ive give $20 to the one who catches him and gets him in a bucket. They each get a turn for 15 mins at a time and its been quite entertaining!
I really didnt want to have to break down the reef, but I really dont have a choice now. I don't want him to end up killing my percula "Rocky" who has been in there pretty much since I started the tank.
Thanks to all who have tried to help tho!