GPH help please!


I have a 75gal, drilled tank and am thinking about adding a second return nozzle since there is already a port for it and to increase my water flow. I am going to buy a new pump and was not sure how the second nozzle will effect choosing a pump. I have read that 20x -30x turnover is best for a reef tank. Thanks! :needhelp:


Active Member
IMO, 30 is getting a tad high. 20 is about optimal. What you want is good, random current so having returns go into each other creates turbulence. This is better than flow going one direction all the time.


Active Member
Increasing the number of outlets will reduce friction in the line and give you closer to the rated GPH for the head you're pushing. You should not have to upgrade the pump at all. If you use this as an oppurtunity to put in a wavemaking device in the line to switch the houtputs, it may increase friction in the line. See the documentation on the wavemaker to see how much pressure it requires to operate.
Just don't make the mistake I did and put the majority of the flow through your sump pump. (Realized it in between order and delivery, going to use it anyway.) Having a lower flow through the sump and a supplimental closed loop or powerheads will reduce the microbubbles in your tank.


I am going to have to purchase a pump anyway. What size, brand pump do you suggest?I want the quietest one I can get! :notsure:


Active Member
I've had a blueline pump running my closed loop for a couple of months now. It's seriously quiet and I like it a lot. When I upgrade to the 70 gallon I have being built I will use this pump for my sump return and buy a bigger one just like it to run the bigger badder closed loop. :D