Grape vine bubble algea


New Member
How do i get rid of the grapevine looking bubble algea. It is taking over my reef tank.HELP PLEASE :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

nm reef

Active Member
First ....welcome to the for the bubble algae.....try the search feature and you'll find tons of answer your question I'd try a couple of emerald crabs and see if they can munch it quicker than it grows...provide more info on your system(filtration/size tank/lighting/LR/LS...water chemistry etc)...the more folks here know the easier it is to advise.....but take my word emeralds like to munch bubble algae :cool:


Are you talking about Caulerpa Racemosa (Bubbles on a stalk that grow like a grape vine) or single bubbles of algae that appear on live rocks?