Graphic Design Artist!!!!!!!!!


Are there any graphic design artist out there. I am planning on finishing my degree in acounting and plan to go back to school immediatly for graphic design. After I earn my degree there, I want to open my own graphic design business. My question is what are the tools and equipment I would need and about how much money to start the business? I'm going to research it myself, but would just like a little bit of a head start. Any help is appreciated.


I am a graphic designer. I have a web design/graphic design business. First off obviously you need a computer. Get something powerful because design software can be hell on a slower processor. If you can, get a MAC powerbook (G4 or G5). Best computer for graphic design is a MAC. Get Adobe PhotoShop, Illustrator, Indesign, Acrobat, and the Macromedia design suite. It's a hard business to get into considering there is a lot of competition and cut throats out there that will do the work for next to nothing. Advertising is the key and you need to reach business owners mainly. The biggest problem with this field is that unless you have 5 years of experience most companies will pay very poorly so starting your own business will help you get experience. I like what I do so it's worth the struggle. Check out my website, it is mainly web design.
Good luck!!


What types of printers ad things would I need? Also, what different types of products do you offer? Business cards, brochures, logos, etc. Will you post a link to your website? Thanks.


I also am a graphics professional and own a hosting company... It depends on what kind of graphics you are doing... Are you doing digital graphics for print shops? autocad graphics for sign company? Graphics for web applications? There is going to be different tools needed for each individual application with only one common tool. The common tool would be a powerful computer. Even though im running linux on almost all my servers and love unix client software I still wouldnt suggest a mac as previously posted. A custom built workstation with a dual core processor and buttloads of memory and a very powerful graphics card will run about the 1/2 cost of a mac and womp the crap out of it in perfomance.


sorry about that I forgot the link
A custom built work station is nice but I find that MACs are more stable and less prone to viruses. Also seem to just work a lot faster with Adobe and Macromedia applications. I agree they are pricey, that is why I am using a PC right now albeit a very powerful one.


I'm a graphic designer, but when I graduated from college the only job I could find in the field after graduation starts off $9/hr. Very disapointing. I could not afford to work w/ that pay
I love graphic design, it's my passion so but now I only do freelance work, and am currently working in Finance. Hopefully my work catches someone's eye someday. I would of loved to start my own business.
Wish you the best of luck! :cheer:


Thanks for all of the responses. Damselz, your website is awesome. You do great work. I think with me having a degree in accounting and having some business classes will definitly help out in starting my business. What kind of degrees do you guys have. Associates, Bachelors,?
I think if I really put my mind to it, I will be able to start a pretty succesful business. At least I hope I can.