Grass Shrimp Story


New Member
I'm rather amuzed, so I thought I'd share.
The other week when I was having problems getting my puffer to eat (he's doing great now by the way) I thought I'd tempt him with some live food. The brine shrimp were too small and I'd read about ghost shrimp. I couldn't find any but the local bait shop did have some grass shrimp so I thought, what the hell...I'll give it a go.
It was just the two of them in my QT.
The puffer wasn't interested in the shrimp but the shrimp was definitely fascinated with the puffer. He would jump aboard the puffer's back and take rides around the tank. You should have seen the puffers eyes roll!
Two weeks later he's now living in my 40 Gal tank. He even molted and we named him salsa.
Not bad considering he was fish food!
Anyone have any similar experiences?