Great deal/bad timing


Active Member
I just came home from the local *****. First off take it easy guys the ***** in my area isn't that bad and I have had no trouble with the few fish I have bought there.
They have a flame hawk at a great price. 24 bucks. Only problem is I have added two fish in the past week already. Tank is five months old however and additions of livestock have never budged my levels. I am also starting to max out on my live stock for the tank, 75g, 30g fuge and 20 gallon sump. Considering displacement there is probably around 100g water volume. 60 pounds LR
Current inhabitants;
2 Small pajamas
1 juvie maroon about 2 inches
1juvie yellow tang around 2 and half inches
1 one flame angel 3 inches
1 small royal gamma
1 cleaner wrasse (relax, he eats anything I put in the tank and even nibbles at my algae clip, I got lucky)
1 CBS and the run of the mill clean up crew.
Current levels am 0 ites 0 nitrate less than 5 and all levels remain stable. With a price like that I would even be willing to part with the cardinals. What do you think I should do. The impulse to buy is killing me.


Active Member
huh? a yellow tang especially a 2" juvi is just fine in a 75gallon.
I think your tank can support this fish because most of the fish in your tank are small, but your tank has only been set up for 5mo and you have quite a few fish in there already. Sort of one of those things where it is best to wait but I understand falling in love with a fish and a good price. I doubt anything horrible is going to happen especially if you are very good about water changes and monitoring your levels, but you are certainly reaching the max point especially since some of you fish have quite a bit of growing to do. I am a bit biased because I LOVE flame hawkfish, they are just soo cool.
Best thing to do is buy the fish and put it in a three week QT that way you don't worry about ich and you have waited long enough for the tank to stabilize from the recent additions.
A QT can be as simple as some rock sand and water from your tank, a heater, and a powerhead. you can use something as simple as a rubbermaid container.


Active Member
Be prepared for that Flame Hawk to take out your CBS and any other clean up crew you have.


Active Member
Yep on the CBS. I am kind of partial to him to he has been with me from the beginning. Not to concerned with the hermits. SWF says monitor with shrimp. Other internet forums/sites report mixed results with shrimp. The CBS is not full grown from what I can see either, judging by looking at larger specimens in the various LFS.
Not sure with the snails.
We shall see what happens. Its hard to pass up considering the difficulty with finding reasonably priced specimens in my area right now. Every ones excuse is the hurricanes. You would think they were oil companies. They don't seem to have any trouble keeping there tanks stocked but there ability to bring prices back in check have not recovered as well. Go figure.