Idea: I have a wet/dry sump supplied by two drains in my 125 reef ready. The sump is 35" and is necessary for my Octopus 200 ( everyone knows what a large footprint it has ) I have two 1200 gph return pumps. I purchased a 31" CPR refugium and wanted to take one of the drain pipes and attach it to the refugium. Then I took one of the 1200 gph return pumps and put it in the refugium. It emptied way too fast. So after a paniked thread I was advised a ball valve. ( how could I not have thought of this..DUH ) So I installed a ball valve. It was impossible to get it just right though. SO I changed the 1200 gph to an extra 1000 gph from the skimmer I just replaced with the 200 ( anyone want a skimmer cheap ? ) Still impossible to get just right. I finnaly figured it out. With a drain going to the sump and the refugium any adjustments made were temporary because it affected the other. ( I know I didn't say that right but I can't put the thought to words that make sense.) SO I moved both drains and return pumps to the wet/dry sump. I am temporarily testing a new idea. I am using a smll vacum tube as a siphon running from tank into the refugium. I am using a mag 7 pump and ball valve to return the water to the tank. If this works I will purchase a 500 gph over flow and replace the vacuum tube. SO far I can't get it to adjust where the refugium isn't slowly filling or emptying right. I'm having to check it constantly and make adjustments. Any ideas or suggetions ? has anyone else run into this ? I'm scarred to go to bed with it running or go to work tommorow until I know its right. Probably will have to unhook it. Please help. Would I be better running a pump from the sump to the refugium and the same size pump back to the sump ? Is it possible to have a wet/dry sump and a refugium both on the same aquarium ? help !