Great people here, now my first ?


Its been a pleasure reading the postings here for the past 4 months while setting up my tank.
I've got a 55 running with
20 lbs of Florida LR
10 lbs base rock (which is now getting coraline on it)
35 lbs fiji (introducing it as it cures, 15lbs in already)
3 inches CC (yeah, i know)
5 green chromis
1 clown
1 bar goby
1 engineer
1 purple psuedo
hermits, snails, and a shrimp
All levels are great, 10 gallon changes every 2 weeks. The fish eat great and are pretty low maintenance.
I've had no fish deaths, one of the shrimp (peppermint) died while molting.
So my question is about adding fish... and possibly removing.
I'd like to add either/and a tang, dwarf angel, puffer. Seems like there is some conflicting info on these fish. I was thinking of yellow tang, coral beauty, flame angel, valenti puffer.
I'd love advice on which to add (lower maintenance the better) and which to avoid. Also, how many? Would a tang and angel be alright?
Thanks a ton,
I would say the puffer is out if you value your shrimp. I would also say you already have quite a few fish in there so you are going to be pushing your bio load especially without the DSB to help with nitrate filtration. Depending on what else you have for filtration in the tank you are also going to need alot more live rock in there. As far as tang/angel most people think a 55 is too small for a tang though I think with the right set up a small one would be fine for a time. Maybe a yellow or a scopas. But if you want the tang forget the angel. That would just be too much fish so I would think one or the other an the dwarf angel would probably be the best bet. The flame is a bright fish and energetic so a good choice. The will sometimes pick at corals however in your previous post you made no mention of reef. Explain your filtration set up and maybe others can give better info than I.


The filtration is a protein skimmer, UV clarifier, canister filter. I clean the canister 1 time per month.
Should I take out the green chromis? trade them in or something? I suppose this could be an option.
Will the valenti eat peppermint shrimp too? I couldn't find as much info on it as the other puffers.
Two angels are a bad idea, but I'd like to add the flame and another fish - since the yellow tang may not be the best choice does anyone have any other ideas for a solid fish that would be fun and not add too much to the bio load?


Hmmm... didn't think about a mate for the clown, that might give a good effect - 2 clowns, 5 green chromis. Thanks for the recommendation, i think i will give it more thought. Between coral beauties and flames, is one hardier than the other?