great white in a 90 gallon?


thinking about getting a baby bamboo for my 90 tall. was told by three different lfs that as long as i clear rock out and make a cave it should be ok for about a year. is this true? i was also told that i could keep a few fish in with it as well as an eel. thanks for the help.


Active Member
For a Bamboo's put on alot of length in their first year...up to 14" - 16".
They're also bottom dwellers, that scavenge at night, for food. By placing an eel in the tank, you'll end up with a Bamboo stumbling upon the eel and trying to take a bite out of it.
Fish can be kept with them, but avoid Trigger and Puffers, as they like to pick at sharks...especially their eyes.
A 90gal. would be fine, for a lone Banded pup, but you'll eventually need to upgrade to quite a large tank...300 or bigger, if you plan to keep it into adulthood.


Active Member
I would not recommend putting a bamboo in a 90, especially not for a year. If you know you will be able to set-up a 300+ tank in 6 months, then go for it. Otherwise, avoid the shark.
Avoid triggers, puffers, wrasses, and angels, as these will pick at the eyes.


Active Member
If this is a standard 4' 90 gal, then I don't really recommend it. I don't recommend buying these sharks with the idea that you may get a larger tank, or may trade it in, etc.
The one's I worked with grew almost alarmingly fast in a year.


Active Member
IMO, if you were talking about a 6 ft. 125 gallon then you could house a pup for a while. I wouldn't do it in a 4 ft. tank. As docile as these guys are, they do need room to cruise while feeding and for a lot of the nighttime. They also need some rockwork and a 4 ft. tank doesn't leave room for aquascaping plus open space.