before anyone gets the wrong idea about this aquarium they have an open ocean, million gallon aquarium that has 400lbs plus tuna, sea turtles, hammerheads and others, a year or 2 ago they kept a female great white pup for around 160 days and then let it go b/c it began to hunt the other sharks in the tank and it was getting to be a size that if they didn't remove it they wouldn't be able to. They also did this b/c the great white was caught by accident by fisherman. they current male pup which was introduced around the end of Aug. is like 5 foot 7 inches and weighs around 14olbs, and is said to be less then a year old. it is constantly monitered by staff and vets and at the first sign of abnormal behavior it will be set free, just like the previous one which was freed perfectly healthy. so yes they do have a great white but they do know what they are doing, and they do have the animals health as a main concern. I think this is pretty amazing since the longest a great white had been kept before these 2 was 16 days and i'm not sure if that one was freed or died!