Greedy Puffer


New Member
I've had my puffer for 3 years. I know puffers eat "everything" I have to watch to make sure the other fish eat because he will eat his food and theirs too. I have a 55 gallon tank and I feed every other day. Two problems:
1. I purchased a Golden Headed Sleeper Goby (two days ago) and "Puff" ate him. Not even 4 hours later. I saw him in a store last week and purchased him at (my question is---do puffers normally eat goby's?)
2. I also purchased Turbo/Astrea Snails, in order to clean any algae that grows in the tank. Will "Puff" eat those too?
Now I normally feed my puffer frozen silver sides and frozen mysis shrimp. With a clam once or twice a year for his teeth. I don't want him to get used to eating live fish because then, he may eat everything in the tank.
Please help on what I should do.
His tank buddies are: 2 percula clowns, 1 yellow tang, 1 snowflake eel, GOBY GONE!!!


How long has the tank been set-up?
First off, your tank is really too small for a puffer, and your already over-stocked IMO.
Yes, your puffer will eat snails, they LOVE them! Or, you can get a long spine black urchin, do water changes, redue the amount of time yourlights are on, and replace the bulbs if they are kind old, since your having some algae issues.
Third, pretty muh any "smaller" fish is gonna be food not only for your puffer, but for the eel as well.


New Member
Oh, that makes me sad. I had a snowflake EEl for 3 years too but he died not to long ago...He just age mysis and silversides too. Oh well, maybe I should look into trading the Puffer. I really love him though...thank you for your insight. It appears that my tank is too small for all they fish "I really like"
Thanks again.