greem alge??? id anyone


i have this green alge that is growing on my looks like grass...its not diatoms anymore...know what that looks like now...but this green stuff is all over my rock and its about a 1/4 in tall...any ideas???


Active Member
Sounds like hair algea. There are fish and inverts that eat that kind. You will have to check out the foods of different crabs and blenny's (fish).


Active Member
Give us the run down on your tank... age, lighting, load, parameters, load, feeding schedule, water source, etc, etc, etc...


55g 260w pc lighting...onlt ro/di water used...water is premixed at lfs...same salt level
ph 8.1
1 banded shrimp
1 brit star
2 scarlet crabs
5 nars snails
1 damsel
2 scotter blennies
all is doing great but all the damsel has done since the other was removed is hide hes scared very easy...he will swim all over when im hidden but when he sees me coming he hides


My tank has been cycling for two weeks now and my rocks just started getting this stuff a couple of days ago. My lfs owner also told me it was green hair algae and not to worry, I could get some fish, inverts to eat this when my tank is cycled. My tank started getting cayno bacteria and then this stuff. I only have 156 watts of lights in my 40G tank . (I do not have any algae or bacteria problems in my 20G QT tank because it only has 14watts of light on top.)


Hair algae isn't harmful or uncommon! It's just a pain in the tush to get rid of and ugly looking to us humans
I had just one rock in my entire 130 gallon tank with this on it and thought it was kinda pretty so left it alone. :mad: Oh boy was that a mistake! We've got the worst case of it I've ever seen now! Do yourself a favor and try to conquer it now before it gets out of hand!
all is doing great but all the damsel has done since the other was removed is hide hes scared very easy...he will swim all over when im hidden but when he sees me coming he hides
I've only got one damsel who's a big chicken too. It may be that he'll just get used to you in time and stop dashing for cover when he sees you so don't worry. Mine still does after almost a year though so on the other hand, it may be that since he's all on his own without a school he'll stay that way which may not be a bad thing in the long run!
As they get larger damsels can become aggressive and territorial making adding other animals in a pain. I planned for this when we got my lawnmower blenny last week by putting up a 29 gallon QT tank. I figured if the damsel started picking on the blenny he could just go in the 29 to live instead. No worries on this particular addition though as the damsel has been scared poopless of this blenny so far!


Active Member
water is premixed at lfs
That's the first place I'd look... have you tested the water for phosphates and nitrates before using it??