Green algae in the reef?!


New Member
Okay, so I have a successful reef tank going and the coral is thriving. The fish are doing well and the inverts are doing well. But how can I get rid of the green algae in the tank without harming anything else in there. I have the purple coraline algae starting to appear, but fear that the green is going to be in the way, not to mention I don't like the way it looks. I have been doing 1/2 tank water changes twice a month :thinking: ...


Originally Posted by volcom69
Some coraline is green also is, what does it look like.
this is true, i got some sweet looking green corraline on my indonesian rock


New Member
Well, so far it is just green and fuzzy, sort of like moss. The tangs and rabbitfish eat a lot of it, and I just noticed the other day that it is also growing on my turbo snails! I don't believe that it is coraline algae as it is what first started growing on my lace rock when I first put it all in the tank.
And I can't figure out how to insert a pic, so I know that this isn't much help!