Green algae on glass


New Member
Hey all,
I have green algae growing on my glass and its very hard to remove. Any suggestions on the best way to get this stuff off? Also, is this a common occurence? I have a 35 hex with a SeaClone Protein skimmer, a mag 1800gph and a 4 tier 2 medium filter. The inhabitants are a Yellow Tang, Clown, 2 damsels, bubble coral, coral polyp, bubble anenome, 1 small crab, 1 star, 10 snails, and a feather duster. The tank has been up and running for 6 weeks and every thing seems fine with the fish, corals, and inverts....but I don't like the algae..suggestions?


Active Member
There are magnetic algae scraper/cleaners that you can use to get the algae off the glass. I recommend Magfloats. If it's a glass aquarium, you can also use a razor blade to scrape the glass.
Algae is a very common occurance, particularly in young tanks. How long did you cycle your tank before adding livestock?
What type of lights do you use and how long do you run them?
What are the nitrate and phosphate levels in your tank?
Also, it appears to me that you have overstocked your tank as far as your fish go. I would recommend taking the yellow tang out and returning him to your LFS.
Tangs in general really need a 75-100 gallon tank minimum, although yellow and kole tangs have been kept successfully in smaller tanks... but even they need at least a 55 gallon.
The best advice I can offer you is to be patient. To steal a line from someone else on this board... "The only thing that happens quickly in this hobby is problems."
Good luck!