Green algae


How do I get the green algae to start growing? I have plenty of brown but no green.
The tank has been up and running sinse december, The light(reagular floresent) is on about 9 to 10 hours a day.
Maybe the 4 turbos and 1 CC star are keeping it clean. Any Ideas?

madd catt

You really dont want alges of any kind {hair algea that is,unless that is what you want}in the main tank.Well, macro algea {plant algea}goes good in a tank.


It's seem like your tank did not complete the cycle
if you have a skimmer turn it off.
add more live rock.
feed more to those damsels or just add a piece of flak to the water to boost it.
if the tank been set up in sept, you will notice very shortly


one more thing, your tank will be cloundy like crab
don't panic !!! it's will go away in few days


My tank is a 55gal.
Krusk the tank has definitly cycled and has been cycledd for about two months. I have plenty of brown algaejust no green I want it for some "snack" food for the tang and flame angel.
TheRock I am in the Marine Corps as a Motarman.